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Story Protocol
Ecosystem Travel Guide

How to use Stability AI in Story

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Let's say you generate an image using Stability AI. Without adding a proper license to your image, others could use it freely. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a license to your Stability AI-Generated image so that if others want to use it, they must properly license it from you.

🧾 References and Sites

🛠️ Prerequisites before starting

1. Install Node.js


📍Result : Terminal

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2. Install the dependencies


📍Result : Terminal

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3. Config .env

The private key is an EVM wallet and the wallet must hold at least one IP token.

Pinata. Stability API is available for free on their website.



📍Result : Terminal

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🖼️ How to register NFT in Story

1. Generating Stability API Images



📍Result : Terminal

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2. Store Image in IPFS




📍Result : Terminal

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3. Set up your IP NFT (Metadata, License Terms, E.T.C.)




📍Result : Terminal

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📍Result : https://app.pinata.cloud/ * IPFS meta upload(data.json)

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4. Create NFT collection




📍Result : Terminal

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📍Result : Odyssey Testnet Scan

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5. Install the dependencies

SPG_NFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= runs node create_nft_collection.mjs and uses the output address.



<npm install>

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6. NFT mint and register IP




📍Result : Terminal

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📍Result : Odyssey Testnet Scan

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💡 Zstake thoughts

You all probably know about the collaboration with Stability AI. We are all excited about this news, as Story Protocol is working on a real collaboration partnership.The announcement was made, but in just one day, the Story Protocol team has proven this through the official DOC, showing how IP works.

When we actually implemented it, all the functions were already in place on-chain and working through the API was smooth. IP will protect the survival of all creators in the future.